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Wagner Group Insurrection in Russia – Is it Just a Feint? The Great Canucks Experiment Is Great Canadian Truck Convoy Over? Kudos to the Canadian Police Canadian Truckers, as Manadated by the US Government cannot cross unless fully vacinated

What’s next for the protestors?

The organizers of this group are either in jail out on bail or have disappeared. Bail conditions they agreed to or are required to agree to include having no contact or involvement with the protest. The three have so far agreed, but the judge presiding over the bail hearings is not convinced Tamara Lich will comply, and feels she may re-offend, so she remains in jail.

The other one remaining in custody, Pat King, sure did not look receptive when in the Court docket at his bail hearing, although he too agreed to the terms. He was denied bail and remanded in custody until another court date scheduled during March.

James and Sandra Bauder have disappeared after peacefully packing up their camper when asked to do so by the police in Ottawa.

The Emergency Act was rescinded while it was still being debated in the Senate, the speculation being that the Senate was not going to just rubberstamp it (which is normal), and in fact, would not vote in favour.

The old War Measures Act no longer exists and was replaced by the current Emergency Act and it has checks and balances embedded within it to ensure the powers granted by the Act are not abused.

The protestors say Canadian Government’s recent enacted of the act was illegal.

The checks and balances in place for the Emergency Act included the provision that a formal review of the circumstances used to enact the Act conducted by our elected representatives (and the Senate), and one would hope that it will be in a Public Hearing. Regardless, the final judgement will end up in the courts, taking it out of the hands of the politicians, which is a good thing.

The protest in Ottawa was clearly out of hand. The Ottawa Police clearly could not manage it on their own. The Prime Minister invoked the Emergency Act to show he was taking control and the combined Police Forces ended the protest. Did he need to invoke the Emergency Act? As I stated previously, the courts will end up making the final determination on that.

You clearly have a right to protest in this country. You do not have the right to inflict undue suffering on others due to your actions.

Protestors insulted residents, made their lives unbearable, prevented them from going to their jobs, caused businesses to shut-down – at least 3 weeks of business losses and employees’ wages and harangued and even spit on journalists trying to do their jobs.

And the connected protests in Sarnia at the Bluewater Bridge and Coutts certainly stopped all traffic across the borders, affecting already stressed supply chains

The protestors tell us they are fighting for all our freedoms. It is clear we all have Covid cabin-fever and distress, and we have had to comply with directives from our health officials. These are science-based decisions and are for the greater good.

We each have the Freedom of Choice to get vaccinated or not. If it affects employment, then that is an individual decision. Regarding the cross-border truckers, this adversely affected 10% of them. Canada requires that all truckers returning to Canada be vaccinated and to enter USA, truckers must be vaccinated.

The provinces are rapidly eliminating masking and vaccine requirements and the cross border one will be short-lived too. There are over 20,000 trucking jobs available across Canada. No trucker can claim they cannot work because of vaccine requirements.

So, the Convoy descended upon Ottawa and by the time they arrived the purpose had blown into a full-scale attempt to take over the Government. That was the purpose all along.

The leadership demanded to speak to the Government to deliver their “Manifesto,” remove and run Government themselves, with the approval and participation of the Governor General and Opposition Parties

Other protests took place at Coutts, Sarnia and the USA Border at Surrey, BC, blocking all traffic in and out of the country. Disturbingly, the RCMP seized a cache of weapons at the Coutts protest.

These protests crippled commerce between Canada and the US, causing job losses, even among truckers – you know, the ones that got the jab to protect themselves, their families and even you, the protestors. You caused layoffs in the auto industry and others, meaning these people were unable to support their families. And why? For some misguided ideology that a small minority can overthrow the duly elected government.

The Government, and yes, Prime Minister Trudeau, was right in not meeting with you. You were ADVOCATING THE OVERTHROW OF THE GOVERNMENT.

What in the World?

Don’t believe me? Below is a copy of the so-called Canada Unity organization MOU James and Sandra Bauder drafted last year -that they have now backtracked on and withdrawn:  Here is the Canada Unity Press release:

Ottawa February 8 2022 – For Immediate Release

It has come to the attention of Canada Unity that the Memorandum Of Understanding (herein referred to as MOU) does not reflect the spirit and intent of the Freedom Convoy Movement 2022

We represent the voice of many Canadians who desire to have the Charter of Rights and Freedoms upheld. We are everyday Canadians, not lawyers or politicians.

We are immediately withdrawing the MOU as we do not want any unintended interpretations to continue. Our sole desire with the MOU was to have a document where Canadians could peacefully express their displeasure with current C19 mandates and express their desire to be free. Canada Unity does not support or encourage any acts which tarnish democratic values held by Canadians.

To the over 320,000 original signatories of the MOU; we appreciate your support and will continue to peacefully demonstrate until the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is upheld.

This document was created with the sole purpose of bringing the government of Canada and all Canadian citizens into agreement; that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms should be upheld for all

Canada Unity firmly supports the constitution and democratic process. We remain committed to following lawful process and upholding freedom of choice.

Canada Unity

James Bauder

Sandra Bauder

Canada Unity MOU
Canada Unity MOU

Final Note:  My previous article on this subject generated many likes and comments. I appreciate getting comments; however, some of are just plain insults, and a few are even threatening me and my family. Others simply include wild, unsubstantiated claims. When you resort to silly name calling and insults you are simply engaging in schoolyard bullying tactics which tells our readers that you may not have anything intelligent to contribute and says more about you than it does me. If you wish to be taken seriously, please make comments that explain your position, not detract from it.

Hits: 5441

One thought on “Is Great Canadian Truck Convoy Over?

  1. Murray says:

    AND we release actual MURDERERS on bail ….shameful abuse of the Charter

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