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On-line reservation system only partialy works

The phone and on-line reservation systems were up and running on Monday.  I attempted to jump the gun and gain access online Sunday evening, but it was not operational.

Lots of publicity now about the million(s) of calls and difficulties people are having with the phone-in and online reservation system in the different Health regions in British Columbia. Recent reports are indicating that Telus, the operator of the system that failed have admitted their culpability for that failure.

A lot of good that will do to those who have been trying to make their appointments to get the vaccine; these are our older and most vulnerable citizens who were looking for their first positive action to help them survive the pandemic.  The least they can expect is that the Government and those operating the system would have tested it before hand and ensure they have adequate human resources on hand to serve the public.

Does it matter to Telus?  Probably not, they will still get paid and move on.

So back to my experience.  I tried one phone call, got a busy signal so decided to try online.  It took 3 attempts to be successful, booked my appointment and happily received my first vaccine dose today.  The people manning the combined vaccine and testing location at 66 and 145 in Surrey were friendly, well-prepared, and efficient.  A giant shout out to each and everyone of them.

This was through Fraser Health which I understand was the only region properly prepared to handle the volume.  What I do not understand is that have one health system in the Province each region operated independently for the Covid-19 vaccine reservations.  That does not make sense. 


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