Car and Truck Remotes

Replacing auto remotes has always been a sore point for me. 

It is not that it is difficult to get new remote for your vehicle, the issue with me is the cost. The dealerships are so far out of whack in what they charge you to buy a remote and then they double up and charge you again to program the damn thing.

I bought a new Ford Edge in 2014 and it has been a great vehicle, no real repairs needed until recently, 6 years on, and I guess that is to be expected.

The vehicle came with the standard 2 remotes. Buttons for locks, remote start, panic button and back gate auto open.

I was on a busines trip in Northern BC, in about year 3 of my ownership of the SUV.  As I finished up a meeting and walked outside, the back lift gate was open.  I did not remember accessing it before hand and thought that perhaps the lift gate button had accidently been pushed in my pocket, like when the Panic Button pocket gets pushed and the alarm goes off.

So, I closed the gate. Pressed the starter, it starts, and the lift gate re-opens.

So now I have a problem. I immediately think the battery needs replacing, so I took it out and used the spare until I could buy a replacement battery.

Replacing the battery di not work.  The thing seemed had a mind of its own and kept opening the lift gate. So, I removed the battery and just used the spare for the next 3 years.

My wife used the vehicle recently and somehow the buttons got mashed and none of them would work anymore.  Was still able to start and drive the vehicle, but that was all. No auto lock open/close, no AutoStart, no remote lift gate open, no panic/alarm button.

 Now its necessary to get replacement FOBS and I begin researching the best and cheapest source.

I checked Ford online and they were awfully expensive.

I found someone local who had what seamed to be reasonable prices, but then he added on a programming cost, and that irked me to no end.

Checked Amazon and they have everything I needed, but then programming was going to be an issue as well, with them recommending using a dealership or locksmith.

Then I found CAR and Truck Remotes online and discovered great prices and instructions on how to program then myself. The only difference between these FOBs and my original was the new ones I ordered simply do not have the ford logo on them.  I mean who cares.  I do not need to pay Ford extra to sport their logo.

I thought to myself, you know, if I order the FOBS and even have someone else program them, I will still save money.

So, I ordered 2 new remotes.

It took 2-3 weeks to get them.

Inside were the FOBs and printed instructions on how to program. 

Excited, I tore out to the vehicle and followed the instructions to a T.

Did not work at all.

Repeated many times, did not work.

So, what to do?  YouTube, of course.

Did a quick search and located a great video showing how to successfully complete the programming.

Turns out, the only mistake I had made was placing the new remotes in the correct place in the vehicle. 

The written instructions referenced placing the unprogrammed remote in the pocket in the center console.  I did that, but what they did not tell you, specifically, is that there is this little pocket in the console that is not visible.

Once I placed the remote in the little secret pocket, I had the new remotes up and running in a few minutes.

And saved a lot in terms of money and aggravation.


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